The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dropped both the much awaited final rule on Remote Identification (RID) and the Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People (Ops Over People or OOP) final rule, kicking 2021 into overdrive for the drone industry. Inside Unmanned Systems received an advance copy of both documents. For the thirty thousand foot overview of the final RID rule, see 3,2,1-Done! Remote ID Rule is Final and stay tuned for deeper dives in our February-March edition. Here’s our initial first-blush read of the 299 page OOP rule.
Topics: Federal Aviation Administration, FAA, final rule, Remote Identification, RID, Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People, OOP, notice of proposed rulemaking, NPRM, Code of Federal Regulations, CFR, Category I, Category 2, Category 3, Category 4, Part 107, Declaration of Compliance, DOC, means of compliance, MOC, night operations,